Despite what some online trainers and Instagram influencers tell you…
There is no one diet that suits all. Even some 1-2-1 personal trainers will hand you their weekly meal plan and expect you to stick to it. It is unrealistic and completely irrelevant to your “personal calorie requirements.” If you need to be in a calorie deficit of 1700 calories and those plans are getting you to consume 2500 calories, you will not lose body fat. Regardless if it is a vegan, vegetarian, keto, paleo diet, you will not reduce your body fat percentage.
To calculate your daily calorie requirements simply weigh yourself. If this is in kilos, multiply it by 2.2 to convert it into pounds. Always get your bodyweight in pounds. Then simply follow the guidelines below:
Depending on your training goal will dictate which category to choose. If you are looking to reduce your body fat percentage then opt for a calorie deficit. Maintenance is to maintain your bodyweight, this is ideal if you have undergone a transformation program. It will allow you to consume more calories daily but not add any weight. A calorie surplus is for those looking to add more muscle, or needing to add weight for medical reasons. You need to also consider how active you are through the week. Do you attend the gym 3-4 times per week? Do you walk 10,000 steps per day and keep you NEAT (see Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) up? If you do, then opt for the middle or higher number of your chosen goal. This is to accommodate for the extra calories you will burn, this works vice versa. If you don’t train 3-4 times per week or achieve your NEAT, then opt for the lower number as you won’t be burning off as many calories.

MyFitnessPal is a free app available to track your daily calories. Simply download the app and create a profile, there are then a few bits to change. Follow the instructions below to change your calorie requirements:
Now you can track all your food and drinks through the app which will help you achieve your target. You can add your food for days in advance to plan ahead and avoid any slip ups.